The Dragon Ball series is one of the most action-packed and fan-favorite anime of all time. With tons of thrilling battles and mind-blowing power-ups that became legendary in the entertainment industry modern era—the Dragon Ball Z Transformations are among the most noteworthy examples. From the characters to the plot, what part of it isn’t considered the best? For a quarter of the fandom, Dragon Ball might be the best of the best anime series while others can disagree. But what people can’t deny is that this anime has the most feverish transformations anyone has ever seen. Watching the agony in our characters’ eyes before they evolve and fall into a violent outburst resulting in immediate regret for some of the strongest Dragon Ball villains as they realize what’s coming for them now is always a showstopper moment.
These transformations in this series not only had always amazed the fans but quite a few of them actually broke the internet. Or at least were near to breaking. As the popular series continues following its long-running decades-old Dragon Ball manga, its popular characters gradually develop in strength even more. This means it’ll bring more transformations for us to craze over. While we wait for more upcoming transformations, let us rewind and walk through the showcase of the most unforgettable and the best Dragon Ball Transformations of the whole series.
5. Super Saiyan 3 Goku from Dragon Ball Z

No doubt this appearance was great enough to shake the world of anime. The animation of those lighting effects was chilling to bones. Fans were satisfied seeing Goku go from being goofy to dead serious as his hair grew longer and his eyes emanated pure evil. This scene also birthed an iconic meme about what made his brows vanish? But NGL, this was the coolest form of Super Saiyan Goku in the Dragon Ball Z Transformations.
4. Super Saiyan Future Trunks from The History Of Trunks

This particular scene made it so hard to watch as Trunks was feeling such helplessness. But it was until rage took over him as he tightly clenched his fist ready to go on a rampage. Although as he already knew about the Super Saiyan form in the anime, this scene was rather depicted differently, diverting from the manga.
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3. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan from Dragon Ball Z

Undoubtedly, this is Gohan’s greatest moment in the whole franchise, as this was the first time he got the recognition a protagonist’s son deserves. All thanks to Bruce Faulconer’s epic music, he became the center of the whole arc by also becoming Super Saiyan 2 at such a young age. This scene was enticing, drawing fans’ attention with captivating visuals and blockbuster music.
2. Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku from Dragon Ball Super

Goku’s recent transformation from Dragon Ball Super was a breathtaking visual experience that made jaws drop. The combination of his new form revealing with eerie music in the background gave viewers goosebumps. It was a glorious moment for Goku yet it wasn’t enough to effortlessly defeat Jiren who was challenging enough to still have the unbroken will to give a tough fight.
1. Super Saiyan Goku from Dragon Ball Z

In this scene, a legendary pure-hearted Super Saiyan was awakened. Aside from the original Saiyans, nobody was ever able to reach this form. However to reach this form, Goku needed a little push from Frieza, the main antagonist. This is the top of all the dragon ball transformations for fans who were able to watch this scene on television.
Dragon Ball series has even more potent forms and transformations that have come to represent the series one way or another. Yet we handpicked the best Dragon Ball Transformations, only the ones that clearly had an impact on the audience.